全球今热点:如何多核运行红警2/尤复/心灵终结 (How to run RA2 / YR / MO-APYR with multi-core

2023-02-28 01:02:37 来源:哔哩哔哩

目前,绝大多数电脑都运行在 Windows 10 操作系统。若要在 Win 10 系统上更好地运行红色警戒 2 / 尤里的复仇 / MO-APYR(心灵终结——几乎完美的尤里的复仇),通常需要使用 CnC-DDraw 渲染补丁。好消息是,CnC-DDraw 可以让它们以多核模式运行以使之更流畅。

At present, most of computers are running on the Windows 10 operating system. To run Red Alert 2 / Yuri's Revenge / MO-APYR (Mental Omega - Almost Perfect Yuri's Revenge) better on Win 10 OS, you have to use the CnC-DDraw in usual. The good news is that the CnC-DDraw can let them run with multi-core mode to make it smoother.


什么是 CnC-DDraw? (What is CnC-DDraw?)

CnC-DDraw (可译作“命令与征服-直接显示”)是一个图形系统覆盖插件,它修复了使用 256 色全屏 DirectDraw [注 1]作为图像处理系统的命令与征服系列游戏中的许多图像错误。它是专门为《命令与征服黄金版》和《红色警戒》开发的,但它进行了进一步的开发以支持其他游戏,如《死亡赛车》。

CnC-DDraw (Command and Conquer - Direct Draw) is a graphics system override which fixes many of the graphical bugs in the Command & Conquer games that use 256-color full-screen DirectDraw[Ref 1] as graphics system. It was specifically developed for Command & Conquer Gold and Red Alert, but was developed further to support other games, like Carmageddon.

关于 CnC-DDraw,您可以通过这篇 Fandom 上的命令与征服百科的文章了解更多:

For more about CnC-DDraw, you can read this article from the Command & Conquer Wiki on Fandom:


如何配置? (How to Config?)


It is very easy to config.

■ 步骤 1 (Step 1)

首先,你需要确认您的游戏目录下是否已经安装或解压出 CnC-DDraw 补丁。通常心灵终结中已经自带此渲染补丁,您可以在设置→显示→渲染补丁中启用 CnC-DDraw。

Firstly, you should make sure that you have installed or extracted the CnC-DDraw plugin in the installation directory of the game. Usually for Mental Omega, it's already satisfyed, you can enable CnC-DDraw at Options → Display → Renderer.

若您没有 CnC-DDraw,您可以通过此链接前往 GitHub 下载之:

If you don't have the CnC-DDraw, you can go to the GitHub to download it by the link below:


在中国大陆无法正常访问 GitHub 的人,您可以通过此链接前往蓝奏云下载:

For users in Chinese Mainland who can't access GitHub normally, you can download through Lanzou Cloud by the link below:


■ 步骤 2 (Step 2)


Secondly, go to the installation directory of the game and search the file named "ddraw.ini". You had batter modify "cnc-ddraw.ini" too if you have it, mostly it appears in the directory of Mental Omega.


You can use a small application software called "Everything" to search the files quickly. Here to download:


■ 步骤 3 (Step 3)


Finally, open the "ddraw.ini" (and "cnc-ddraw.ini") to search "singlecpu=true" and replace into "singlecpu=false", and then save and close the files to enjoy the game.

当您在修改这些文件时您最好保持游戏关闭,但除了心灵终结的“DTA CnCNet Client”[注 2](或名“MO Client”,即“心灵终结客户端”)。

You had better keep the game off while you modify these files but expect the "DTA CnCNet Client"[Ref 2] (or named "MO Client") for Mental Omega.

您可以使用 VS Code 以更方便地编辑:

You can use VS Code to edit easyer:



This idea is from the Baidu Post Bar (Chinese):


运行演示 (Test demonstration)

心灵终结 (Mental Omega) 3.3.6

尤里的复仇 (Yuri's Revenge)

红色警戒 2 (Red Alert 2)

注释 References

[1] en: DirectDraw (ddraw.dll) is an API that used to be a part of Microsoft's DirectX API.

zh: DirectDraw (ddraw.dll)作为微软 Direct X 应用程序接口(API)的一部分,

是基于 COM 架构下的一个二维图形 API,可译作“直接显示”。

[2] en: Dawn of the Tiberium Age - Command and Conquer Net Client.

zh: 可译作“泰伯利亚黎明-命令与征服网客户端”。

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